Become the parent you’ve always wanted to be.


Raising kids today is hard, and it's even harder when things at home don't look the way you want it to. It might be that your child is acting out or having a difficult time emotionally, you may be parenting on your own, or feel like you are because you and your partner aren't on the same page, or you may be overwhelmed with trying to meets the needs of your family while struggling to meet your own.

Please know that you are not alone.

The goal of our parenting support program is to help you feel like you are parenting the way you imagined, while still keeping your children safe, meeting their physical and emotional needs, setting appropriate boundaries and creating a lasting connection with them.

What does parenting support look like?

Our parenting support program is an intensive therapeutic experience. During our time together we will create custom goals for you and your family and tackle whatever issues may be unbalancing your home and your relationship with your child. This program is appropriate for parents with children under 12.    

  • You will be able to express your feelings regarding parenting in a safe, nurturing and non judgmental environment.

  • You will get support and guidance on how to best support your child's emotional needs while continuing to make your own needs a priority.

  • You will learn how to strengthen your relationship with your partner and have your needs heard.

  • Learn how to communicate with your child.

  • And most importantly become the parent you've always wanted to be.

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